What do we do as Student Representatives?

As part of the Austrian Student Union our first and foremost duty is to represent the students of our field against the university, the faculty and the SPL (we don’t have an institute for Digital Humanities). We have one seat in the StuKo (Studienkonferenz) of SPL 13, which is the collegial body responsible for all things “studies-related” (A German language Explanation of the StuKo from the SPL 10 can be found here).  Once a month, we’re invited to the Steering Group for Digital Humanities to discuss and exchange information regarding the Master and bring up student issues with the teaching staff responsible for Digital Humanities (Leitungsgruppe / Leitungstreffen). 

The second big area of responsibility is peer consulting. The StV is the first contact students can write to if they have questions about the university or their studies, have problems with the teaching personnel or any other issues concerning the university life. We answer your questions via Mail, Instagram and in person, if we happen to be in the same courses as you! 

Our third area is events. Whether it is a Stammtisch, welcome events or a study café. If you have an event in mind that you want to see or help organise, please get in contact with us and we’ll see what we can do! 

The rest of our work focuses on getting more courses into our curriculum, managing the website and social media, writing the Digital Post, creating and evaluating surveys, coordinating with other Data Science Masters and other humanities studies for joint events or information events, collect information for you to present it in FAQs, and so many more small but significant things. 

Our work is voluntary, meaning everything we do is done in our free time. We love to help everyone, but please bear in mind that we cannot be everywhere all the time and need to prioritise our work sometimes. 

If you want to join us, you can always shoot us a text! As an official part of the student union (meaning a mandate or being part of an organ, like the StuKo) we are rewarded in extra tolerance semesters and are allowed to miss more classes. 

Thank you for your trust! <3